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Pardubice, Czech Republic



Jan Žalský, Vít Podráský


Arnošt Gerhart, Monika Jasioková, Lukáš Koubek, Max Lipovský, Lenka Milerová, René Němec, Tomáš Nováček, Ivan Novák, Tereza Nováková, Miroslav Pazdera, Laura Shala, Bedřich Slaměník, Jan Šulcek, Vojtěch Tecl, Anna Vitoušová, Aneta Voženílková

Pardubice, Czech Republic

The new museum and associated landscaping of the National Cultural Monument Zámeček - the site of the Nazi execution ground - commemorate the events of the summer of 1942, when 194 people, including the inhabitants of Ležáky settlement, were murdered here during the Heydrichiad.
The reason why the site was created here wasn´t only its position in military area around Larish’s villa, where Gestapo set up its local headquarters, or the morphology (sand mound), but also for its remoteness due to the surrounding forests.
However, these specifics were obscured in the post-war era. The site was detached from the villa. The mound had overgrown. The forest was interrupted by 1970´s landscaping. The exposition didn´t match the importance of the site. The context had disappeared. Dignity was lost.
Firstly, the site’s fencing was removed. Connection with neighbouring park allowed access by the main axis of area. The mound was remodelled and the forest replanted in places where it had been at the time of the executions.
The 1949 monument then became the start for the new composition. The unifying line, together with it, now integrates both the museum and tribune for commemorative gatherings.
The museum is located in the ground, between the trees. It doesn´t want to compete with the monument. The concrete cast disappears under a green roof transitioning into the surrounding meadow. It becomes a land art rather than a real house.
The individual diverse spaces forms the basis for the exhibition´s thematic units which presents physical exhibits, archival material and audiovisual & multimedia elements.

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